In lugnet.build.mecha, Mladen Pejic writes:
> This post wasn't about me, but thanks anyway... ummm... on second thought...
> not really...
> > sarcasm ON<
> "I'm so glad you consider my models "pretty good", not great, or creative, or
> cool, but "pretty good". "Pretty good" as in, "Gee, these Town Jr. models are
> pretty good..." OR "Gee, my six-year-olds LEGO creations sure are
> pretty good...
> Yessiree my models sure are "PRETTY GOOD", Eric!
> > sarcasm OFF<
> As you can see, I'm not flattered.
Mladen, you are a braggart and a serious jerk. I think I speak for most
everyone here when I tell you that you have just lost the valuable respect
of many. It would be best if you left your whiny, self-serving attitude at
- jsproat
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Kunimasa Fujisawa's AMAZING mecha!
| (...) Hey, I respect Mladen! His stuff IS great, as is Eric Sophie's work. I'm wondering though if you pull up to a full service attitude pump and pump your own attitude, effectively making it self-service, do you have to pay the full service price? (...) (24 years ago, 14-Mar-01, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)
|  | | Re: Kunimasa Fujisawa's AMAZING mecha!
| (...) I have to agree with Sproat here...I've lost respect. Mladen - your attitude came off sounding like you felt you deserved more praise, and his compliment wasn't enough for your models. It appears to me, at least, that you have an over-inflated (...) (24 years ago, 14-Mar-01, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Kunimasa Fujisawa's AMAZING mecha!
| (...) I don't understand what you mean. "Big mech-y", his creations aren't big, they're actually small, since they are micro-fig. If you want to see big go check out Bryce McGlone ((URL) Brian Cooper's ((URL) and Dave Thomas Jr.'s ((URL) mecha. (...) (24 years ago, 14-Mar-01, to lugnet.build.mecha)
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