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Re: 60 degree problem
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 03:41:47 GMT
1578 times
On Wed, 13 Jan 1999 19:06:40 GMT, "James Brown" <>

Larry Pieniazek writes:
Duane Hess wrote:
James Brown writes:
My original question still stands - does anyone have a solution for me?

Have you tried a Technic 3 blade rotor?  It's not *quite* what you are • trying
to build, but I think it should be workable.

A 3 blade rotor will give the same angle geometry but I don't beleive it
is what James is asking. I believe he is asking how to anchor something
to the top of this assembly that is connected to all three legs.
Geometrically, there is no arrangement that will work, as there is no
right triangle with integral side lengths that has a 60 degree angle.
The length of the hypotenuse is not a rational number if the smaller
side is 1.

Therefore to fix a rectangular plate at the top of this you will need to
use some sliding component somewhere.

:-/  That's pretty much the same conclusion I came to. Unfortunately, I can't
get enough stability from that with the current design. <sigh>

Back to the drawing board <grumble grumble bitch bitch>  I _liked_ that design
too. Maybe I'll sooth my ego by putting up a picture on my site.  ;)

This looked (sounded?) interesting to me so I just spent a few minutes digging
up a few of these plate hinges and some 2x2 plates, and a few various other
things and found a couple things that may interest you.

Take your original base (3 2x2/1x4 plate hinges) connected with 3 2x2 plates.
Directly above each plate hinge attach a quarter-circle (macaroni) brick,
with the outer curve towards the center of the "model". Now attach something
at the ends of these to hold them together.  I used 2x3 plates with round ends
(happened to be in the bag with the quarter-circles), but 1x2 plates are
probably better for just testing.  Now take a couple 1x1 cylinder bricks (NEW
STYLE - i.e. the ones with the rim at the bottom (But wait, aren't they all
like that???  No, if you go back to the 60's/early 70's they used to be
straight sided all the way to the base))  and put one on top.  The rim part
at the bottom fits PERFECTLY in between all 3 quarter circles.  On the flip
side, you can put the other on the bottom in the normal orientation and
the outer edges of the 1x1 cylinder snug up against the notched openings
at the bas of the quarter-circles.  Even better, if you turn this cylinder
over (attach it upside down), then you have TWO points of attachment.  The
outer edge to the notches, and the base rim to the walls of the quarter-
circles.  I realize the above may sound weird but sort through it a couple
times, or better yet, try it out at home (or work ;).  Anyway, you now have
a way of attaching to any long rod (1x1x4 antenna, lance, axe, etc) and hence
a way to maybe get some use out of this.


|  Rob Farver -             |              |  |

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: 60 degree problem  [DAT]
Here's Rob's method for attaching the 3-toed foot (It works very well.) --Bram 0 The answer to the 60-degree problem... 0 1 7 0 8 -60 0 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 0 3021.DAT 1 7 35.98 8 2.32 -0.87 0 0.50 0 1 0 -0.50 0 -0.87 3021.DAT 1 7 -35.98 8 2.32 0.87 0 (...) (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to lugnet.cad.dat)
  Re: 60 degree problem
From whence can one obtain the pasta, umm I mean spaghetti, oh bother - macaroni (yea that's the ticket)? -- Steven | svore at mindspring .com | kf4fbk | TC++MS++#15LS+M+HalYB64m (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to
  Re: 60 degree problem
(...) Thanks for posting that, Bram. It really helps to see it. -- Terry K - (26 years ago, 15-Jan-99, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 60 degree problem
(...) trying (...) :-/ That's pretty much the same conclusion I came to. Unfortunately, I can't get enough stability from that with the current design. <sigh> Back to the drawing board <grumble grumble bitch bitch> I _liked_ that design too. Maybe (...) (26 years ago, 13-Jan-99, to

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