z14 bevel gears (was Re: hinges and bevel gears, was Re: 60 degree problem
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 23:42:12 GMT
1639 times
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Okay, I'll bite -- how do you get 7/6 to be anywhere close to SQRT(3)? 7/6 is
1.167, and SQRT(3) is 1.732. Is there an additional 2:3 ratio hidden inside the
"8880 transmission"?
Also, I'm having a little trouble figuring out how the transmission works in
the 8880. The instructions are here:
and I've figured out that it has four wheel drive with three differentials, and
a mechanism for engaging one of four different output shafts to the input (or
the other way around, because you turn the wheels to make the pistons go) --
but it's still a little hard to see how it all fits together. It also looks
really spread out so I'm wondering if all that stuff is really part of the
- Robert Munafo
In, Gregor Benedikt Rochow writes:
> [...]
> [2] I found a great new use for these - at 1.5 studs center distance
> (or the equivalent 1-stud-over, 1-brick-up),
> they mesh well with the replacement z12 bevel gear,
> particularly if you use 2 z14s back-to-back and 2 z12s fac-to-face.
> Ratio is 6:7, of course. Very useful for a very compact 8880 (SuperCar)
> transmission; 7/6 is very close to SQRT(3), so 7/6 on the input
> and 3/1 on teh output axles results in ratios of (roughly)
> 1, SQRT(3), 3, 3*SQRT(3). Very nice ratios, and very compact, particularly
> combined with the V8 moved to the front and FWD only (will Consumer
> Affairs sell me 4 more 8880 wheels, so I can have 2 FWD cars?).
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 | | hinges and bevel gears, was Re: 60 degree problem
| (...) transmission[1]), in red. On the new kind, though, the round recess in the fingers get their edges bent out when the mating round raised is slid past when disassembling. The same thing happens, slightly less so, with the 4-wide hinged roof (...) (26 years ago, 15-Jan-99, to
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