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Re: slow server startup
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 02:59:21 GMT
565 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Carlo Ottolina wrote:

1) I don't have any delay. (I subscribed 40 groups and it takes 3-5
   seconds to refresh them all)

just a nit - we're not talking about delay in refreshing newsgroups, but
in establishing a connection to the server to begin with. Could it be
that since you're always online you never close the connection?

2) No auth requests reach my firewall (I could show my firewall logs)
3) The firewall is just one hop away from my boundary BGP router
4) It (the BGP router) just sit on Worldcom and KPN Qwest european
5) I'm sure (well, almost) that Worldcom core routers don't do any
   "selective filtering".

Taking into account what you say (the server _is_ doing auths) and
what I can observe here (*no* auths reach me and I have *no* delay),
this is the only explanation that I could see:

A) "Something" on the path between and the Worldcom
   backbone (the preferred path between me and Pair networks) is
   *actively* responding with "port close" to the auth requests.
B) The users that are experiencing the delays are on a different path.

Still, IMHO this is a very unlikely scenario, isn't it?. What do
you think?

hmmm... I get to lugnet through bbnplanet - is that the same as
worldcom? I thought not? so B is defenitly an option...

thanks for the detective work :)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: slow server startup
"Dan Boger" <> wrote in message (...) I just checked the logs. Outlook Express (yes, I know, M$, etc. etc....) does TPC FIN after any account syncronization. The firewall does a teardown of any connection (...) (23 years ago, 18-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: slow server startup
"Dan Boger" <> wrote in message (...) No. Facts: 1) I don't have any delay. (I subscribed 40 groups and it takes 3-5 seconds to refresh them all) 2) No auth requests reach my firewall (I could show my (...) (23 years ago, 17-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)

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