| | Re: Heightfields in LDraw
(...) A long time ago I wrote a terrain generator whose final output was a BlockCAD file. The surface of the landscape was built up with 1x1 bricks and tiles. I belive I also had the possibility to generate bricks all the way up from the bottom, but (...) (14 years ago, 29-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: Lego globe...
(...) I guess that depends on whether you're talking about a 3-D LEGO globe or a 2-D LEGO map? I'm not sure I quite follow exactly what you're trying to do. I played around a while ago and got a program that would build an LDraw globe based on a 2-D (...) (14 years ago, 29-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: Primitives and long file names
(...) Nooo...ooo! Please......... Do not make lDraw folder structure more complex than what is now: If you follow the rules of using separates folder for Unofficial files (like SR3DBuilder does), it will make things harder to manage since my (...) (14 years ago, 29-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: Animated minfigs
(...) have a library of animations for different minifig actions, such as running, walking, crawling, etc. -Mike (14 years ago, 29-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Heightfields in LDraw
I've been experimenting with importing terrain heightfields into LDraw. Here are the results: (URL) (One pair of triangles in the terrain mesh is equal to a normal LDraw baseplate in dimensions.) The steps I took: created the heightfield in Wilbur (...) (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad, FTX)
 | | Lego globe...
If you were to create a computer simulation of a globe completely made of Legp with cities on it and everything, how would you overcome the limitation imposed by the fact that you can't tile squares across the surface of the globe? Are there (...) (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: Primitives and long file names
(...) Hey, I really like the idea of new line types and I made a little experiment. Not for curves, discs, spheres, cylinders, rings, cones and torii, but for gradient brushes. LDraw lives in a (linear) text based vector world. And when I zoom in, I (...) (14 years ago, 29-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad) !
 | | Re: LDView requests
(...) Seconded! Tim (14 years ago, 29-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad.dev)
 | | Re: Primitives and long file names
(...) And a piece of software to cheat with :) Tim (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Injection molding: LEGO Group wins Arburgs Energy Efficiency Award
Injection molding: LEGO Group wins Arburgs Energy Efficiency Award By Matt Defosse Published: March 23rd, 2011 Everyone knows the toys they make, but few realize the lengths LEGO has gone to reduce its energy use. The company has increased its (...) (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general, lugnet.legoland, FTX)
 | | Re: Primitives and long file names
(...) Just a thought, but you could also utilize new sub directories e.g. 1 16 ......... ring\5-24-24.dat or even 1 16 ......... ring\24\5-24.dat This should work on existing software cause 48\ or s\ are already in use, so most software should be (...) (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: Primitives and long file names
(...) As long as you provide parts authors with a cheat sheet, this should work too. Regardless, the naming scheme should be according to a regular system. -Mike (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: Primitives and long file names
(...) Something to keep in mind: I think you should pad leading zeros. I.e. turn "4" into "04". Doing so makes it possible to sort files by name in a file manager. -Mike (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad)
 | | LDView requests
I think it would be cool to be able to set/input camera parameters directly. Currently, you can only export them to POV-Ray. It would be nice to be able to set them as well to get a sort of preview before a final render. I also think it would be (...) (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad.dev)
 | | Re: 2x1x2 slope trouble
(...) Thanks again, Philo. I'll give that a try today. Jonathan (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts)
 | | Re: ML-CAD 3.30 Problem while parts authoring
(...) I get this bug too. -Mike (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)
 | | Re: Animated minfigs
(...) I use LD4DStudio for all my LEGO animation needs. You can get it here (URL) examples of what you can do here (URL) here (URL) (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Account issues
Dear all, The webmasters have made a difficult decision on LDraw accounts due to a proliferation of spambots and other non-genuine accounts. Please see (URL) for updates. The text below is copied from that article. Tim ---- Of late there has been a (...) (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw) !
 | | Re: Some help or advice requested
(...) SNIP (...) So I bet you had all been waiting with bated breath for the revelation of my project, and then I bet you had all thought that I had given up, when there was no revelation forthcoming. In actual fact, I had been working on this until (...) (14 years ago, 27-Mar-11, to lugnet.technic) !
 | | LDraw equivalent of MakeHuman
It would be cool if we had an LDraw equivalent of the MakeHuman project. I.e. a 3D model of a minifig that is compatible with LDRaw and can be deformed in external tools such as Blender in the same way that lots of TLG animations "cheat" by bending (...) (14 years ago, 27-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad)