| | Re: Striscione: altri due bozzetti
(...) Ho qualche riserva sulla rapidità delle consegne da Cafepress, nonché sui tempi, meglio farle fare qui. Antonella ne ha già qualcuna. Al limite le facciamo con i kit trasferibili, le stampe le faccio io, tanto l'inchiostro lo compro a boccioni (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | Re: My First few NXT MOCs
Sorry for replying to myself... Bummer, I thought the folder was public. It was before I added the NXT stuff. Seems like it is taking longer than normal to go public. I guess the wait is on (again). Christopher R. Smith Littlehorn (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic, lugnet.org.us.texlug, lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: Striscione: altri due bozzetti
(...) Proviamo... (URL) che non è per nulla vincolante e che il concorso su "disegna il miglior bozzetto per lo striscione di ItLUG" è tutt'altro che chiuso! Onde evitare di trovarci a Ballabio senza, suggerirei di chiudere il 15/5 con la (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | Re: Another one who's new here
(...) Welcome to lugnet. LDraw is a great piece of software that lets people with more ideas than bricks make stuff. (...) I'm not aware of such group(s) but I didn't know this one existed so maybe there is... either way I'd just follow-up to .space (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.people.newbie)
 | | Confirmation for dropping off/setting up at the Toy, Train and Doll show this weekend
Saturday, May 6th at 5:30 p.m. is when the registration desk opens--someone (porbably me :) ) will be in line to register us and get our nametags. At 6 p.m. the doors open and we're allowed to enter the building and start setting up. Set-up goes (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, lugnet.loc.ca)
 | | Another one who's new here
Hello everyone, I've been reading these newsgroups for a while, and now decided to request a posting permit. Before my dark age, I used to build lots of models with LEGO, now, I love to build models for LDraw :-) Concerning the latter, I put some (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.people.newbie)
 | | Re: A show of hands please...
(...) We lived across the street from Sabino Canyon from '84-'91. I came out of my dark ages around '86. Some day we'll be back, although on the OTHER side of the Catalinas, near Oracle. The next time we are in Tucson, I will post a "heads up":-) (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.loc.us.az.tuc, FTX)
 | | Re: New Arizona Resident and Builder
(...) Hi, guys! Although I'm still in Minnesota, eventually we are going to end up in Arizona (recently purchased property north of Tucson). It may take 5 years or so, but that's the plan! Until then I will be with you guys in spirit:-) JOHN (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.loc.us.az, FTX)
 | | Re: A show of hands please...
(...) I'm WAY south of Maricopa County. Cochise in fact. But if you're having a get-together, I'll drive to Tucson, no prob. I think only Alaska has a lower AFOL per square mile ratio than Arizona. Aaron (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.loc.us.az.tuc)
 | | NWBrickCon Registration Reminder
(URL) Just a reminder. NWBrickCon registration will be increasing from $38 to $44 on Saturday May 6th. So register early at (URL) the website> and save yourself some money. We are working hard and the event looks to be shaping up for one of the best (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.events.nwbrickcon, lugnet.announce, lugnet.events, lugnet.people, lugnet.fun.community, lugnet.loc.us.wa, lugnet.loc.ca.bc, lugnet.loc.us.id, lugnet.loc.us.or, FTX) !!
 | | Re: New Arizona Resident and Builder
(...) Nate! Now I'm in Arizona too! Unfortunately, I'm way down in Sierra Vista, so I'm hardly any closer to you than I was in San Diego. But if we can find some Tucson ALEs, we might have a central gathering location. Hope we can pull some closet (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.loc.us.az, FTX)
 | | Re: Red lady mosaic
(...) Well... I did my own interesting style (I called it just a SNOT-mosaic) back in Dec 2002: (URL) does not "mix" studs out and sideways bricks... but the technique is similar to what you've proposed here. You are correct, the techniques do work (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.build.mosaic, FTX)
 | | Re: Faile Street
(...) JOHN (Ashcan Builder) Wow. Thank you. You've described me right on and that means I am heading in the right direction with my creations and getting across what I want to get across. Thank you again. I don't know if you're aware of how good you (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.town, FTX)
 | | Re: Indy 5.00 rule clarification
(...) Definitly, though you can't see it by that picture, that is why I used this piece (URL) the wing. I think I'll add a couple big "coffee can" exhaust tips coming out of the bumper tonight. I think that is supposed to make them go faster too! (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.org.us.laflrc)
 | | Re: Indy 5.00 rule clarification
(...) The Internet? (...) I'll keep that in mind. That really isn't my intention, but you know, rubbing is racing! (...) Good, I'm guessing I'll be making use of this. How much "changing" before it becomes a whole new robot? "But I used the same (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.org.us.laflrc)
 | | Re: Faile Street
(...) Wow. This is really impressive. The details are wonderful, rendered only by one who has had first hand experience of them. Major kudos to you, Jonathan. You are truly an "Ashcanner" as I fear that I am not. I have to say that your level of (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.town, FTX)
 | | Re: Striscione: altri due bozzetti
(...) piace molto anche a me.. e proporrei un poll sul sito dove votare tra le 3 o 4 che hanno avuto piu' successo!! qualcuno si è informato sui costi? e per le magliette come facciamo? cafepress non le stampa piu' (per ora) ciao Cristian (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | Re: Faile Street
(...) Thanks! I am always looking for new ideas for 'junk' for these abandoned lots and I love the idea. I just figured out how to make a washing machine too! (...) Always! Thanks again, Jonathan (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.town, FTX)
 | | Re: Faile Street
(...) Good job! I like the patches of red brick on the grey building. I agree with Tim about the weeds and the washing machine (although I don't know anything regarding his statement about the latter). Keep it up! Jeffery Maceachern BS: (URL) (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.town, FTX)
 | | Re: Faile Street
(...) Thanks, very much! (...) You're right! Or, a cast iron bath tub or refridgerator (sp?). Here in NYC, the sanitation dept won't take the cast iron tubs and people tend to drop them off where ever (in open lots). I don't know how they lift them (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.town)