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Re: New Elements on Factory?
Sat, 5 Apr 2008 23:50:54 GMT
14303 times
In lugnet.trains, Dave Sterling wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Jeramy Spurgeon wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Jack Hawk wrote:
   I’m usually not on Factory/Pick-a-Brick, but have been this week. In just the past couple of days, it looks like they’ve made some changes to the train elements:

--Jack AFOL, St. Louis

Anybody else notice that the train baseplates jumped up to $20.00 and $25.00!!!????


I suspect that on these plates and the 16x32 baseplate, someone must have slipped a decimal point. If they seriously are charging $20 for a train base...they’re nuts.


For the record, the decimal place is off and this is an error that will be corrected on Monday. I noticed the level building plate listed at $30.00 and thought there was an error. I am still concerned about the size of the price increase. This same plate was only $1.83 before the increase. The price and new parts were loaded by the IT people in Europe and can only be corrected by the same people who made the error. This will occur on Monday.

It also appears that the 9V train track and other 9V items are being removed from the pick a brick program all together. All of the single 9V straight and curve track that was available was in the old gray. The 9V track can be ordered via the phone shop at home as replacement parts but the price has increased to around $2.50 per track. In addition, there are only less than 400 pieces of the straight track reported in the system.

I honestly expected some kind of warning before the 9V parts were removed from the inventory. I just ordered about 50 pieces of the straight track and was notified yesterday that they are on their way. I am hoping that LEGO will distribute the remaining 9V inventory to the LEGO train Clubs. The delay in launching the new hybrid line is more than a year away. It is becoming clear that the new line may be compatible with the 9V line but will not include the 9V track. The inventory that collectors have may be the last of the line.

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  Re: New Elements on Factory?
(...) I suspect that on these plates and the 16x32 baseplate, someone must have slipped a decimal point. If they seriously are charging $20 for a train base...they're nuts. -Dave (16 years ago, 4-Apr-08, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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