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Re: New Elements on Factory?
Thu, 3 Apr 2008 22:47:10 GMT
12560 times
In lugnet.trains, Tim David wrote:

I see what you mean about the buffers, although I assume you mean the magnet that is hard mounted. The ability to pivot to allow the correct polarity to face outwards if vital really, otherwise you end up with the Brio problem of having to have all your stock one way round.

Or indeed the LEGO problem, back in the good old days of 4.5V trains. (At least LEGO had the magnets in colour coded mounts, though).


Richie Dulin

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Elements on Factory?
(...) I see what you mean about the buffers, although I assume you mean the magnet that is hard mounted. The ability to pivot to allow the correct polarity to face outwards if vital really, otherwise you end up with the Brio problem of having to (...) (16 years ago, 3-Apr-08, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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