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Re: Train coupler designs was Re: New Elements on Factory?
lugnet.trains, lugnet.technic
Fri, 4 Apr 2008 12:23:37 GMT
17753 times
In lugnet.trains, Timothy Gould wrote:

Well... here’s a technic coupler which has the same range of movement, almost the same dimensions and is rotationally symmetric.

I’ve cross-posted this to .technic in case the good people there can come up with something smaller and/or more elegant. I would think there could be.


I used a similar technique in the past, though I can’t find a hyperlink to the solution (which was not mine, I think Chris Masi’s). It worked rather well, though the main problem that I encountered was the frictionless pins slipping out of the 2x3 plates with holes (even when doubly stacked) due to the weight of the 8wides I tried pulling. I ended up using an technic axle and capping the ends to attach the coupler to the wheel set, which created a bulkier connection that was not as easily uncoupled.


Message is in Reply To:
  Train coupler designs was Re: New Elements on Factory?
(...) Well... here's a technic coupler which has the same range of movement, almost the same dimensions and is rotationally symmetric. (URL) I've cross-posted this to .technic in case the good people there can come up with something smaller and/or (...) (16 years ago, 3-Apr-08, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.technic, FTX)

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