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Re: Griswold Building - Detroit, Michigan
Tue, 12 Jun 2007 01:50:05 GMT
7626 times
In, Jonathan Lopes wrote:
Just stunning. Great details and excellent use of colors, both old and new.

Another thing I really like about this is that it is not a huge skyscraper. It is the type of building, in my view, that will be on a layout but not necessarily be the main focal point. But, if it weren’t there, you’d surely miss it. I think buildings like this are the heart and soul of a layout.

Greatly looking forward to seeing this in person.

Excellent work, as always.




While this building is not exactly small at three feet high, I did think that the Lego Detroit skyline would look a bit funny with no medium sized buildings to transition between the skycrapers and the two and three story buildings. And besides, I simply like Albert Kahn’s design for this building.

I am working on another building of almost the same size for the show. I am also working on a Detroit Public Library main branch building as a counterpart to my DIA Art Museum. At least two other MichLTC club members are building good-sized MOCs based on Detroit buildings for the show.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Griswold Building - Detroit, Michigan
(...) Just stunning. Great details and excellent use of colors, both old and new. Another thing I really like about this is that it is not a huge skyscraper. It is the type of building, in my view, that will be on a layout but not necessarily be the (...) (17 years ago, 11-Jun-07, to, FTX)

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