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Re: Griswold Building - Detroit, Michigan
Sun, 10 Jun 2007 14:03:00 GMT
7878 times
In, Jan-Albert van Ree wrote:
   WOW! The building itself is a great MOC, but what surprised me even more was the quality of your photo work... the thumbnail on the LUGNET front page made me think it was a picture of the real building. VERY nice!

Jan-Albert van Ree

Thanks for your comments. Besides trying to emulate the proportions of real buildings with my MOCs, I try to photograph them in natural light from typical street level vantage points in an attempt to add realism. One unfortunate problem is that I have a small backyard with trees on every side so it is difficult to exclude “giant” trees from the picture (Photoshopping them out is too much work). -Jim

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Griswold Building - Detroit, Michigan
(...) WOW! The building itself is a great MOC, but what surprised me even more was the quality of your photo work... the thumbnail on the LUGNET front page made me think it was a picture of the real building. VERY nice! Jan-Albert van Ree (17 years ago, 10-Jun-07, to, FTX)

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