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Re: Moonbase Module - Apollo Lunar Module Historical Site
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 15:56:33 GMT
899 times
In, Todd Trotter writes:
Announcing the Apollo Lunar Module Historical Site.

This Moonbase Module was built to honor the first astronauts to land on the
moon. There is an observation deck that overlooks one of the Apollo Lunar
Modules (LM) at it's original landing site.

a couple of teaser pics:

Well, with a few lunar module descent stages (and lunar rovers, golf clubs
etc.) left behind on the moon from the Apollo missions I figure that there
would be some kind of museum-type historical site devoted to showcasing one
of the original landing sites.

I've got some more pieces on order to finish off my LM proper, but I decided
to go ahead and post now. The 4x4 dishes for the landing feet are a little
large but I like them better than any other idea I had to make them.

I also have plans to build the ascent stage of the LM to connect with the
descent stage. It will not be part of my moonbase module, however.


Todd Trotter

Thats some good stuff Todd. I like that Lunar Module. I think the 4x4 dishes
are great. That is a great addition to the moonbase. Excellent work.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Moonbase Module - Apollo Lunar Module Historical Site
(...) Thanks Jamie for your input on the dishes. I can't wait to see a huge moonbase on display in the future. I can imagine what the Apollo Lunar Module Historical Site would look like paired with the Containment And Neutralizing facility. : ) Todd (22 years ago, 21-Aug-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Moonbase Module - Apollo Lunar Module Historical Site
Announcing the Apollo Lunar Module Historical Site. This Moonbase Module was built to honor the first astronauts to land on the moon. There is an observation deck that overlooks one of the Apollo Lunar Modules (LM) at it's original landing site. (...) (22 years ago, 19-Aug-02, to, lugnet.announce.moc) !! 

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