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Re: Mercenaries and minifig weapons...
Newsgroups:, lugnet.pirates,
Mon, 27 Nov 2000 18:23:03 GMT
689 times
In, David Low writes:
In, John Robert-Blaze Kanehl writes:

Nice mercs John. I'm on the look out for the minifig head featured here:

The only fig I could find or think of was Pirate 9, as listed on brickset:

Anyone know where else I might find him (or any other redbearded fellow who
might realistically play Odysseus)?


Check my webpage again...I hope this helps

I tried to provide a few pics (in a whimsical way) illustrating the
difference between the two heads in question = )

The head in 6706 is a couple shades darker than the head on my mercenary.
The "Red" fox head is the same shade of red as the Pirate theme black garbed
Redbeard or the red mustached Dragonmaster.

However, I think that the figure from 6706 would make a good Odysseus as
well =8^)


I will delete the added images and restore my Mercenary webpage in a few
days. I have a limited amount of space for my webpage that I wish to use to
showcase some more modern/high tech infantry weapon designs (which is more
the focus than the mercenaries anyway = )

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Mercenaries and minifig weapons...
(...) Really cool -- a lot funnier than "here are the two heads, told you so". How about Minifig DeathMatch? (...) Maybe it's the Captain Redbeard "the early years" head... (...) They make the standard issue loudspeaker or flashlight look decidedly (...) (23 years ago, 28-Nov-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mercenaries and minifig weapons...
(...) (URL) only fig I could find or think of was Pirate 9, as listed on brickset: (URL) know where else I might find him (or any other redbearded fellow who might realistically play Odysseus)? --DaveL (23 years ago, 27-Nov-00, to, lugnet.pirates,

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