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Re: Jake's Leaving LEGO
Mon, 6 Feb 2006 10:40:27 GMT
9637 times
In lugnet.people, Keith Goldman wrote:

Jake, you magnificent bastard, thanks for everything you've done, and good luck
with everything in the future.

Now that made me laugh outloud :)

If leaving the warm bosom of the AFOL community
brings you down at all, just think, you'll never have to hear any more bitching
about blay or track geometry :).  Thanks again for making such a huge and
positive impact.

Oh, I'll still hear it, considering I'm going to return to AFOL fandom. I just
won't have to try to figure out way to make it happen... that'll be up to Jan
and Steve. :)

Jake McKee
Community Liaison (at least for 4 more days)
LEGO Community Team

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Jake's Leaving LEGO
(...) Jake, you magnificent bastard, thanks for everything you've done, and good luck with everything in the future. If leaving the warm bosom of the AFOL community brings you down at all, just think, you'll never have to hear any more bitching (...) (18 years ago, 2-Feb-06, to lugnet.people)  

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