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 Organizations / United States / IndyLUG / 325
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Re: IndyLUG Inaugural Train Show Jan 18 and 19
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Sat, 11 Jan 2003 15:43:39 GMT
970 times
In, Steve Martin writes:

Yep, John Neal already mocked up some logos for us.  We are going to use the
top right one:

Cool, what's the deeplink (ends in jpg or gif or whatever instead of a number)?

Monon did some very nice cream and red coaches when they entered the
streamliner era... they were kitbashed from hospital cars!

LOL!  I knew that, but I had never thought about it in those terms.

I just got the classic streamliners special publication from Kalmbach and
was trying to get my money's worth! (actually it was a great read)...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: IndyLUG Inaugural Train Show Jan 18 and 19
(...) (URL) (21 years ago, 11-Jan-03, to, lugnet.trains)

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  Re: IndyLUG Inaugural Train Show Jan 18 and 19
<various bits of snippage...> (...) Yep, John Neal already mocked up some logos for us. We are going to use the top right one: (URL)"MONON, the Hoosier Line" (...) LOL! I knew that, but I had never thought about it in those terms. Steve (21 years ago, 11-Jan-03, to, lugnet.trains)

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