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The Spring Toy, Train and Doll show
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:14:37 GMT
2279 times
I sent an e-mail off to Doug a week ago--


I hope it's not too early to get in touch with you about the spring show.

The Toronto LEGO group would love to attend your show.  We'll be bringing a
train layout much like the one at the last show.

As well, we would like to bring LEGO creations and displays to exhibit.

Let me know.

Take care,


He just replied--

Thanks for your note!!  You guys are terrific.  We definitely would like you to
participate.  Info for exhibitors should be out shortly.  As well we will have
the website set to take applications shortly ( this week!).  Should be a great
show.  We have increased the size of the show by 25%.

So looks like we'll be able to display more than just the train layout.  With
that, does anyone want to take care of organizing the non-train display at the
show?  Or do I just want to ballpark it with what I hear from here?

Dave K

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: The Spring Toy, Train and Doll show
How many types of spring toys are there? (18 years ago, 25-Jan-06, to
  Re: The Spring Toy, Train and Doll show
(...) Is this the quasi-substitute for The Hobby Show that we talked about back in November? i.e. are we planning a Hobby Show-like display, along with the train layout? AB (18 years ago, 26-Jan-06, to

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