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Re: New "Last Airbender" sets
Fri, 3 Feb 2006 14:01:09 GMT
4054 times
In, David Gregory wrote:
   I haven’t read any of the Harry Potter books, but through popular culture I know all about the storylines. I can see why making the Harry Potter sets was a good idea for LEGO.

Everyone knows about Star Wars. Millions of fans worldwide but non-LEGO Star Wars toys, so it was a great move for LEGO to produce the Star Wars sets.

I don’t read DC Comics, but I know all about Spiderman and Batman. They’ve both been around so long, that they’re common super heroes.

I don’t watch Nickelodian, but I see Dora the Explorer and Spongebob everywhere, and I know about the nontitle characters in their shows.

Until I heard about the new LEGO sets due out this summer, I had never heard of Avatar the Last Airbender. I’ve never seen a commercial, book, show, comic, movie preview or toy for this thing. Does anyone have any idea why LEGO thinks this will be a successful venture? It appears to be a really random choice.

As I’ve heard from my colleagues, this is a fairly new phenomenon, but is just that. Apparently this show is one of the highest rated cartoons around. I too hadn’t heard of it, but of course, I don’t follow such things...Saturday morning cartoons come a bit too early now :)

   And what on earth is an “airbender” anyway? Bending air doesn’t make any sense.

Of course the same could be said for Power Rangers, Pokemon, a talking duck, a dog that walks upright, or a galaxy far far away....


Jake McKee
Community Liaison
LEGO Community Team

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New "Last Airbender" sets
(...) The show is amazing. Anyone who hasn't seen it, oughta. I recommend netflixing the DVDs as they are available. Unlike Galidor, Avatar is the real deal and totally worth it to watch and enjoy. It is about as good as the old-school Animated (...) (17 years ago, 30-Aug-07, to, FTX)  

Message is in Reply To:
  New "Last Airbender" sets
I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books, but through popular culture I know all about the storylines. I can see why making the (URL) Harry Potter sets> was a good idea for LEGO. Everyone knows about Star Wars. Millions of fans worldwide but (...) (18 years ago, 3-Feb-06, to, lugnet.year.2006, FTX)  

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