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The curator for is Kevin Salm
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Subscribe as mailing list– Theory, techniques, methodologies, algorithms, systems, and socio-psychology: in-depth analysis, comparisons, discussion, theoretical problem solving, and calm, collected, principled debate

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  Re: Question about selling my collection
(...) Hi, I work in an Autism Unit and would like to bulk buy lego for our students - maybe we could come up with a cleaver plan? (7 years ago, 14-Jun-17, to
  Question about selling my collection
I hope this is in the right area. I'm not ready to sell my collection just yet but I wanted to find out if anyone knows where I should go. My collection is over 2000 lbs of Lego, so even at a reasonable price, we're talking in the five figure range. (...) (7 years ago, 5-Jun-17, to
  Re: Copyright notice concerning Brickmania / Daniel Siskind's models.
(...) Tiffeny: Check out (URL) to purchase Dan's sets. He's also got a cool subscription deal for an 'Instruction of the Month' club. Enjoy! -Dave ToT-LUG (15 years ago, 11-Jun-09, to, FTX)
  Re: Copyright notice concerning Brickmania / Daniel Siskind's models.
(...) Dan, Can you please give us links to where to buy your sets =) thanks, Tiffeny of scltc, lugola, sandlug (15 years ago, 10-Jun-09, to

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