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Re: How to properly call "the Birck" was Re: Can some do this or tell me of who is this?
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 16:10:35 GMT
794 times
In, John P. Henderson writes:
(something I spotlighted)

This oughta be a FAQ! I would fix the Susan Williams multiple name versions
and emphasise that it's pretty clear she was a made up person (her
"signature" varies more than a real person's would) but other than that it's
good to go as is.

Great background! (but I am still going to use (tm) in my writing more than
other people do because I have my own brands to protect... grin)

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  Re: How to properly call "the Birck" was Re: Can some do this or tell me of who is this?
(...) <lil' snippage> I have a few comments to add to this thread, but first let me make clear that I am not a lawyer and will not be held responsible for any actions you take based on what I say... Back in the early 1980's (perhaps before that (...) (22 years ago, 21-Jul-02, to ! 

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