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Re: Power Function control with RCX and BrickOS
lugnet.general, lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 22:23:57 GMT
18038 times
In lugnet.general, Bob Kojima wrote:
   Now you can use your RCX to control LEGO Power Functions. That’s right the RCX can act as a PF remote control but it can do something that the PF remote can’t do yet. The RCX can do PWM with your PF reciever moduals.

You do not need to install BrickOS to get this to work. The executable that you need and the BrickOS firmware are included in this packet.

Get it here:

The zip file includes a sample program that uses 2 rotation sensors to control the PWM on the red and blue ports it can also send controls to all 4 PF chanels. Also included is a .h file that impliments the complete Power functions protocol for BrickOS.

Please let me know of any changes or bugs that need to be addressed.


I don’t have BrickOS, but I have been playing with the protocols in NBC. I got the twin-motor PWM mode to work in tests, and the original ‘Combo direct’. But I can’t get ‘Single output’ or either of the ‘Single pin’ modes to work. Have you had any more luck?

Jason R

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Power Function control with RCX and BrickOS
(...) The toggle bit is checked in Single output mode (the documentation is not quite right for this mode) and in both single pin modes. each message is sent 5 times you need to toggle the toggle bit in every message sent. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 etc. bob (16 years ago, 25-Jan-08, to lugnet.general, lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Power Function control with RCX and BrickOS
Now you can use your RCX to control LEGO Power Functions. That's right the RCX can act as a PF remote control but it can do something that the PF remote can't do yet. The RCX can do PWM with your PF reciever moduals. You do not need to install (...) (16 years ago, 25-Jan-08, to lugnet.general, lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.announce, FTX) ! 

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