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Re: How Lego Direct could Make Jar-Jar an Orc
lugnet.castle, lugnet.starwars
Fri, 14 Jul 2000 22:19:15 GMT
976 times
In lugnet.castle, Shaun Sullivan writes:
well, until he becomes Gandalf the White, that is ;)  but that's just

Gandalf was never made into a white wizzard, all Lego wizards are blue.



Erik Olson wrote:

In lugnet.castle, Mike Petrucelli writes:
In lugnet.castle, Wesley Pauley writes:
hmmmmmmmmmm... Jar Jar as an orc? good idea. don't thikn it'd work for me
though. I'm pretty firm on orcs being green, having much smaller ears, and • not
a gungan snout... i'm picky when it comesto orcs i guess..

How about an Oger or Goblin?  (FYI the Original Orcs from Tolken's Lord of • the
Rings were grey.  Lego's Wizzard Maejisto is a total copy of Tolken's • Wizzard

-Lord Insanity

Uhoh, a Tolkien debate. I don't think the orc color is determined. They have
been various colors in licensed artwork. Gandalf became blue thanks to the
animated features, therefore Majisto looks like a copy, but remember he's
"Gandalf the Grey".

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How Lego Direct could Make Jar-Jar an Orc
well, until he becomes Gandalf the White, that is ;) but that's just nitpicking .... -s (...) (24 years ago, 14-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.starwars)

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