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 Building / Schleim / 45
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Re: Dozen LEGO Roses
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 15:52:35 GMT
4514 times
In lugnet.announce.moc, John Neal wrote:
My wife and I just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary and this is what I
gave her:


You can see a few more pics and read more about these on one of my MOCpages
< Here>

Straight to the Brickshelf folder
< Here>

Schleim On,

Aren't these exactly the same roses LEGO sold in a eBay/LEGO auction for charity
a year or so ago?  They look identical to me, except for the vase of course...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Dozen LEGO Roses
(...) Nope. Mine are vastly superior in design:-) Initially I thought to simply copy those, but when I actually took a look at their design, I knew I could do a better job, so I did. JOHN (20 years ago, 2-Mar-04, to, lugnet.general, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Dozen LEGO Roses
My wife and I just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary and this is what I gave her: (URL) You can see a few more pics and read more about these on one of my MOCpages (URL) Here> Straight to the Brickshelf folder (URL) Here> Schleim On, JOHN (20 years ago, 2-Mar-04, to lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.general, lugnet.people, FTX) ! 

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