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Re: Dozen LEGO Roses
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 20:04:04 GMT
3445 times
   On Valentine’s Day LegoLand CA was selling (Lego) roses. Eight bucks or so before discounts. Glued together.

My wife and I were there with several sets of cousins and I scored big points buying her one.

Yep, they were selling them as early as early December. They are glued together, with a different petal arrangement (made from sloped bricks).

I didn’t do too badly in the wife favor department after delivering her one. Especially since it came after I was at sea for a week. (no real cut rose could survive that long at sea). I’m faced with making a vase for the rose- I have tried a few ideas, but the rose is quite top heavy.

James Powell

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  Re: Dozen LEGO Roses
(...) On Valentine's Day LegoLand CA was selling (Lego) roses. Eight bucks or so before discounts. Glued together. My wife and I were there with several sets of cousins and I scored big points buying her one. Matt (20 years ago, 2-Mar-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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