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 Underground / *353 (-20)
  Re: 2 MOCs: Dirt Collector and Switchbot
Hi, Samarth. This is the coolest thing I've seen highlighted out of .space in a while. I really like the design and imaginitiveness here. I'm always a fan of working in bizarre "useless" parts into cool creations, and you've succeeded here both with (...) (20 years ago, 8-Jun-05, to, lugnet.underground,, FTX)
  Re: 2 MOCs: Dirt Collector and Switchbot
In, Tony Hafner wrote: TY for the comments and good critique. (...) I tried to blend the wheels in by using the curved top bricks, but I'll agree that the nozzles aren't as great as they could've been. First time *I* used those wheels (...) (20 years ago, 6-Jun-05, to, lugnet.underground,, FTX)
  Re: 2 MOCs: Dirt Collector and Switchbot
(...) The scoop is a bit goofy, but it sets the spirit of the model well. We're all here to have fun, right? Beyond that, the ship design is good. While the nozzles are nothing to write home about, the engine mounting and other detailing is (...) (20 years ago, 6-Jun-05, to, lugnet.underground,, FTX)
  2 MOCs: Dirt Collector and Switchbot
So the other day I was playing around with the scoop from the Pneumatic Front End Loader: [LEGOSet 8464] And realised how useless it was, considering I had never used it after I had torn the set down years ago. So (naturally) I thought I'd make a (...) (20 years ago, 5-Jun-05, to lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.underground,, FTX) !! 
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
In lugnet.underground, Brett Patterson wrote: snip (...) Here are some images of the (URL) Life on Mars Truck tour> this site also has some other LEGO displays... (URL) Wars display> (URL) Display> (never heard of this one) (URL) Truck tour> "Big (...) (20 years ago, 21-May-05, to lugnet.underground, FTX)  
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
(...) I believe that PLM (what the models and the casing were called. It's short for Poduct Line Model) featured RoboForce and Exploriens. The PLMs were built by Enfield model-builders for a long time untill about 1999. They stopped coming (budget (...) (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.underground)
  Re: So what is "Underground", anyway?
(...) Sandhogs. Rob (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.underground)
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
(...) Cobblers! (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.underground, FTX)
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
(...) Sounds awesome! But no, I didn't see that. Maybe someone has pics (?) Another fab display by TLC was at the Mall of America LEGO store. There were about five of these tall, slowly rotating cylindrical display cases. Fantasy dioramas/scenes got (...) (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.underground)
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
(...) When I used to play RPGs, the TORG game had an underground universe book called "The Land Below" The Publisher's Catalog: (URL) The Cover: (URL) This supplement explains the endless cave network below the Earth's surface. Discover this pocket (...) (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.underground, FTX)
  Hey! There's a contest ... (was Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground)
In lugnet.underground, Mark de Kock wrote: Snip (...) Your pic reminded me of (URL) this post>. The Great Asteroid MOC contest runs until July 15th, so if you can build an 'Underground' related MOC, you can also post it here and maybe even win a (...) (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.underground, FTX)
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
In lugnet.underground, Gerhard R. Istok wrote: Snip (...) Thanks for sharing, Gary! It's always nice to see old (official) LEGO MOCs, and makes one wish for some of those parts today. "Big Daddy" Nelson (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.underground, FTX)
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
(...) Ooh... ROGER that! in fact just about anything of Gaiman is worth reading just for general coolness. But some of his visions are, in my view, hard to realise because of their large scope and fantastical qualities... (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.underground, FTX)
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
(...) I've got another book to recommend: Neil Gaiman's (URL) Neverwhere>. (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.underground, FTX)
  Re: So what is "Underground", anyway?
(...) Actually, I think LOM was developed out of town, because Star Wars sets were in production at that time. I think the premise was that LOM was an extension of the space collection on the town theme. Rumors are that TLG wasn't allowed to produce (...) (20 years ago, 19-May-05, to lugnet.underground, FTX)
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
(...) Um... How about Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? * Mine car chase (BIG MISTAKE! I TOLD YOU THE LEFT TUNNEL!) * Fire/Lava pit for sacrificing * Underground Dam for.. flooding * Conveyor belts/buckets/rock crusher Plus you already have the (...) (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.underground)
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
(...) TLG made a few interesting pictures of mine cars coming in and out of a mountain, along with a cable car going up the mountain on the outside. This is found in Lego booklet #241 and Lego book #242: (URL) then, speaking of bridges, these books (...) (20 years ago, 19-May-05, to lugnet.underground)
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
(...) Oh hey, now that's what I'm talking about! Thank you for posting that link. I'll go look some more after I see some of the new Vigs you posted. Thanks! e runner... (20 years ago, 19-May-05, to lugnet.underground, FTX)  
  Re: So what is "Underground", anyway?
(...) Actually, IMHO, I think LEGO did develop the theme, albeit under different guises; the "ice" theme became "Arctic"; the rock/space theme became "Life on Mars"; the sense of 'adventure' became, well... "Adventurers"; etc. Maybe we need some (...) (20 years ago, 19-May-05, to lugnet.underground, FTX)
  Re: The all-new LUGNET .Underground
Suz, did you ever get a chance to see the "Life On Mars" truck tour? There was a Martian world under the surface of Mars in the truck--it was quite neat, including the skiing martians, the polar bear chasing one, the night club, with one or two (...) (20 years ago, 18-May-05, to lugnet.underground)

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