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Re: Sliding doors
Thu, 16 Nov 2000 16:13:31 GMT
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James Mathis wrote:

In lugnet.trains, James Mathis writes:
In lugnet.trains, Adrian Rohnfelder writes:
I've modified the construction so that it does not use the special rails.
No real "special" pieces used anymore.
It is pretty much the same construction, I just removed the rails and
adjusted some spacings.
The doors slide pretty well and the assemble box car has a fairly solid
"feel" to it.

The  sliding "doors" stick out the same amount as in the version 1 concept
as shown previously in the link below.  But, maybe this amount by which they
protrude is too much?

I will try to have photos up by tomorrow night, in case anyone is interested.

James Mathis

Here's an idea I put together quickly during lunch:

I meant to be wacky with the colors so as to better show the piece
The method of construction does use the "rails" that LEGO doors slide in, but
it doesn't use the "doors".  If you have these "rails" in blue, then maybe this
solution would work for your blue mail van?

I will continue to think about how to modify this sliding door so it doesn't
use the special "rail" pieces.

In case the pictures don't show it clearly, the 4-wide train doors are set back
1/2 stud so the sliding door will not hit the 4-wide train door handle.

Hope this at least helps with your own ideas and leads to a solution for you.

James Mathis


  Thanks for the ideas I may have to remodel my sliding doors.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Sliding doors
In lugnet.trains, Christopher Masi writes: <regarding sliding doors construction comments> Thanks. (for some reason Masi's reply was not inserted into this reply?) Enjoy box cars! :-) later, James Mathis (24 years ago, 16-Nov-00, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Sliding doors
(...) I've modified the construction so that it does not use the special rails. No real "special" pieces used anymore. It is pretty much the same construction, I just removed the rails and adjusted some spacings. The doors slide pretty well and the (...) (24 years ago, 14-Nov-00, to lugnet.trains)

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