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Re: MOC Streamliner Observation Car
Tue, 3 Jun 2003 01:01:23 GMT
1271 times
In lugnet.trains, Steven House wrote:
In lugnet.trains, Stefan Garcia wrote:
That observation car is absoulutely amazing.  Lionel a Lego, eh?

Those chrome parts are all Lego ..

I know that, I was referring to the look of the models.  Lionel Trains once made
streamliners where the end cap which was a seperate component was chromed, while
the body was duller flat silver-ish chrome-y color.

... oh OK, don't get much chance to see Lionel stuff overe here!!!

Yeah, I hadn't thought about that.  And I made a slight error in my observation;
I kept thinking your observation was closed-end, not open end.  In which case
the manufacturer would be K-Line for O gauge.  They have the same effect though.

As for critiques though, I'd have to point out that the engines are F3s (Or
another in that line) but they're not Alcos.  Alcos have the characteristic

Oops EMFs then? But the coaches are defo Budd Heavyweights ... correct?

EMDs.  Electro-Motive Division, IIRC.  The cars are Budd Stainless Steel
Streamliners.  Heavyweights are the old (usually) green cars often associated
with the American West and up to the 1930s or 40s.

Thanks for the prototype info ... Its cool to learn stuff like this ...I always
thought it was aluminium ... but I guess the fad for all thing aluminium came
later in the USA (I'm thinking "The Tin Men" movie!)

You actually already built some of the kind of car I'm referring to (your
"Western" cars).  Heavyweights may only apply to the later steel (?) versions
however, I'm not sure.  The exteriors were basically the same though, only
bigger.  What's "The Tin Men" about?  Never heard of it.

Another question also; how did you get the fans to work on the engines?  Did you
drill a hole through the 2x3 curved bricks?

No drilling was done ... this part of the roof is made with the Modified 2 x 1
with Curved Top bricks coneected with technic plates ... you can see it more
plainly here on this EMD from Burlington Northern ...

Here I've used the cogs to drive each other (so each is reversed in direction)
and the first is driven from the micro-motor below. They rotate pretty slowly
... but quite nicely I think. The Super Chief's cogs are below the roof surface

Oh, duh.  Never thought about those pieces.  Neat.

Nice BN engine!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MOC Streamliner Observation Car
What's "The Tin Men" about? Never heard of it. Tin Men (URL) a train movie but very funny all the same ... why did aluminium become cheap in the US at that time? In the 1950s. Steve (22 years ago, 3-Jun-03, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOC Streamliner Observation Car
(...) ... oh OK, don't get much chance to see Lionel stuff overe here!!! (...) Thanks for the prototype info ... Its cool to learn stuff like this ...I always thought it was aluminium ... but I guess the fad for all thing aluminium came later in the (...) (22 years ago, 2-Jun-03, to lugnet.trains)

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