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Re: BFD Engine 1 Gets Super-Sized
Sat, 12 Jul 2003 21:23:22 GMT
822 times
In, Will Hess wrote:
In, Allan Bedford wrote:

I borrowed the lighting code from Bram Lambrecht.  It can be found in the middle
of this post:

That may be the sort of thing I was looking for.  I'll give it a try, thanks!  I
was sent some lighting tips by another builder but haven't been able to recreate
the results I want.  :(

Trust me, that code is easy to use...just replace the three lights in your POV
file with it and render.

I did just that... replaced the three lights (which LPub creates, I assume?) and
tried the code as shown on that posting.  It seems way way too bright.  Now, I
am trying to use the radiosity file  It contains this line:

ambient_light rgb <0, 0, 0>

Could that be causing some of my grief?  Do your BFD renders use radiosity?

The biggest problem seems to be in creating the white color that the ladder is
using.  It seems to get way over exposed, while at the same time the red of the
truck body is either too hot, or so dark it doesn't look red any more.  And yet,
the whole time the white is nearly blended into the background.

The camera setting is one I either developed or borrowed (can't remember which)
three or four years ago.  I paste it into the POV file and use the translate and
rotate command to adjust the position of the model, as I understand those MUCH
better than I understand camera positioning.

I'm confused.  You adjust the camera positioning?  Or the light positioning? :)

Neither.  I'll post a reply to your thread in lugnet.cad.ray with more detail,
but I leave the camera and lights in place and move the model around.

Ah yes.  Now I see... kind of.  ;)

I like the way you described the relationship between the positive and negative
numbers and their effect on the model.  I find the POV instructional material is
big on explaining things in very techie language, but very small on giving
actual working examples, or simple plain English explanations.

I find both baffling.  Just when I think I understand it, I try a setup and it
turns out to be an ugly mess.

Been there, done that.  That's what the "320 x 240, No AA" render setting is for

I know there's a joke in there, but I'm not sure what it is.  :)

Thanks again!  I'm off to try more renders.

Allan B.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BFD Engine 1 Gets Super-Sized
(...) Seeing a single part that inspires an entire model is one of the joys of Lego IMHO. (...) That's how I got started :-) (...) Trust me, that code is easy to use...just replace the three lights in your POV file with it and render. (...) Neither. (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jul-03, to

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