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 Technic / Bionicle / 698
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Re: MOC Contest
lugnet.general,, lugnet.technic, lugnet.technic.bionicle
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 02:00:52 GMT
43 times
In lugnet.general, Kenneth A. Drumm, Ph.D. writes:
   It was My Comet Cursor. I don't know what a browser plugin is. All I do
know is it installed without even a notice. I realized it after our cursor
changed and I saw a new thing next to the time on the computer. I was under
the impression ALL software had to ask first. I could be wrong.

I think the browser will usually ask, *but* I think for MSIE, everytime
it asks, there is an option to check a box to never ask again.  If
someone had done that on your machine, then things would install
automatically without asking you.  The security level you have set
may affect it as well.

LUGNETer #203, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOC Contest
It was My Comet Cursor. I don't know what a browser plugin is. All I do know is it installed without even a notice. I realized it after our cursor changed and I saw a new thing next to the time on the computer. I was under the impression ALL (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jun-01, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.technic, lugnet.technic.bionicle)

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