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 Technic / 9397
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Re: SAAB JAS 39 Gripen, step 1 - planning.
Fri, 21 Feb 2003 18:45:08 GMT
3239 times
"Tobbe Arnesson" <> skrev i meddelandet

The major concern at this moment is making a nice canopy for the cockpit; • the
glass itself needs to be 13 x 5 cm (5 x 2"). A few options are available:

1) Building it LEGOLAND style with transparent bricks, ugly.
2) Only making the frame and pretend the glass is there, OK
3) Make a custom glass canopy in plastic, nice but non-LEGO

Buy a Duplo Easter Egg and carefully slice the transparent part in two
halves :-)

BTW, you should be careful with all that Lego planning, buying and so on,
you might suddenly have more room than you want in your (suddenly single)
new apartment!

Anders Isaksson, Sweden

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: SAAB JAS 39 Gripen, step 1 - planning.
(...) Cool idea, I have to look into that! (...) Hey, SHE is the one who wants tons of LEGO rail so my (our) train can pass thru all rooms... Besides I pay all the bills except the food so she can't complain, really. /Tobbe (22 years ago, 24-Feb-03, to lugnet.technic)

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  MOC: SAAB JAS 39 Gripen, step 1 - planning.
Hi all! As there is a lot of non-constructive chatting in lugnet.technic I figured I'd tell all what I'm planning. Here's the story: Back in 2000 I started on a big scale project, a Hercules in scale 1:20. It got "finished" in April the 8th 2001. (...) (22 years ago, 21-Feb-03, to lugnet.technic,,

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