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 Technic / 7392
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Re: Any musical instrument?
Fri, 3 May 2002 16:30:48 GMT
1251 times
On Fri, 3 May 2002 11:09:22 GMT, "Henry Lim" <>

I'm on the brink of stringing up my full-sized, playable LEGO harpsichord.

One word: Jikes!

But for fun, I made a miniature "mock-up" version (out of LEGO, of course)
of what the final instrument will eventually look like:

Hay, that's way cool!

It's slightly bigger than Miniland scale, but I'm calling it minitaure, at
least in relation to the actual instrument.

Oh, the full-sized version is actually 5 octaves (61 keys), and does include
Technic parts (so pardon the absence of Technic parts in the miniature model).

I don't even want to start thinking about the amount of pieces that
would require.

Hope all goes well with the stringing!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Any musical instrument?
I'm on the brink of stringing up my full-sized, playable LEGO harpsichord. But for fun, I made a miniature "mock-up" version (out of LEGO, of course) of what the final instrument will eventually look like: (URL) slightly bigger than Miniland scale, (...) (23 years ago, 3-May-02, to lugnet.technic, ! 

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