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Re: I got a defective part!
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 09:15:30 GMT
Selçuk <teyyareci> <SGORE@spamlessSUPERONLINE.COM>
940 times
Tony Priestman <> wrote in message
On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Selçuk <teyyareci> (<>) wrote
at 09:45:34

I've received an Aerial Enforcer (8444) as a early gift for the new year,
and the two new 90 degree angle beams used in its nose are having • different
shades of blue. I didn't see anything like that up to this time, even
between bricks from sets one is 15 years older than the other, providing
that both are unused.

Mine was the same, which is weird.

I've just compared them with my 928, which has just come out of a sealed
box, so I know the parts are genuinely about eighteen years old.

One is the right colour, and the other is darker, but neither of them is
as solid a colour as the old plastic.

Have you also noticed how a lot of new bricks seem to be slightly

If you look at the picture of the 8448 in the box insert Technic
leaflet, you can see light shining through the red crank beams on the
front of the car.

I think they are reducing the amount of pigment in the plastic.
Tony Priestman

Yes, this is weird but not so much as in the case that I faced with in RTL
in 1998. Some guy from Australia (note the distance) stated in a message to
RTL that while he was building his barcode truck, he noticed that, when he
attach a 1x2 45 degree inverse slope on top a 1x1 brick since it was
required in a step, the inverse slope popped out repeatedly. Although they
are symmetrical, i.e.. there is another couple of the same parts, only one
of them had this problem. Strange part of that, I faced with the same
problem, with the exact same pieces, at the exact same step, but in Turkey!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: I got a defective part!
On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Selçuk <teyyareci> (<>) wrote at 09:15:30 (...) Consistency is more important than quality? (25 years ago, 29-Dec-99, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I got a defective part!
On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Selçuk <teyyareci> (<>) wrote at 09:45:34 (...) Mine was the same, which is weird. I've just compared them with my 928, which has just come out of a sealed box, so I know the parts are genuinely about (...) (25 years ago, 28-Dec-99, to lugnet.technic)

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