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 Technic / 4652
4651  |  4653
Re: How about ideas for new elements?
lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic
Sat, 21 Apr 2001 08:18:06 GMT
261 times
In lugnet.robotics, Simon Bennett writes:

I'm not aware of that piece, and I couldn't find it on Technica.
It has to be from before 1980 since I have the <set:8860> and it has the
regular ujoints. Is there a place with a photo of this piece? In what sets • did
it appear?

Thanks, David

It is from before the existence of Technical Lego and was never used in
Technical, the grey u/j arrived at the same time as the 850 and the rest of
the first Technical sets. (by the way was Technic called Technical before it
was called Technic anywhere other than Britain?)

Do you know about the old cogs which among other things were used to make
the treads for the dozer in set 780 from 1975?  I have this set (well most
of it) and others.  These gears (741, 742 and 743 in Partsref) were brought
out along with white axles, red bushes and red u/js and big black chain
links for treads.  The u/j and the bush have not been rendered in LDraw so I
can't show you them but I will eventually take a picture of one of mine and
put it on Brickshelf.  I think at least one of mine may have come from one
of the early '70s gear sets like 800, 801, 802 or the like but the set
database is not helping me as I can vaguely remember the box and it isn't • there.

Is this some help?  If anyone else can remember which sets they were in or
has a picture, please help.

There was 2 in set 812. Not sure what other sets they were in. I've put a
couple of photos here



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How about ideas for new elements?
(...) It is from before the existence of Technical Lego and was never used in Technical, the grey u/j arrived at the same time as the 850 and the rest of the first Technical sets. (by the way was Technic called Technical before it was called (...) (24 years ago, 18-Apr-01, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)

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