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 Technic / 13067
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Re: How to get non-circular movements?
Mon, 23 Aug 2004 19:26:16 GMT
4100 times
In lugnet.technic, Brian Davis wrote:

   Have an arm attached off-center on a gear, running through a fixed pivot
point (that is free to rotate!). As the main gear rotates, the distance between
the driven end of the arm and the pivot point changes as the off-center
attatchment point moves closer and further from the fixed pivot.

Ah, I see.  The pivot point must be free to slide on the arm (er, vice versa) as
well.  I think that's the key bit I was missing last night.

Thank you, that's a very helpful link!  I'm sure I'll have many uses for those
devices in my Technic models.

- Joe

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How to get non-circular movements?
(...) Have an arm attached off-center on a gear, running through a fixed pivot point (that is free to rotate!). As the main gear rotates, the distance between the driven end of the arm and the pivot point changes as the off-center attatchment point (...) (20 years ago, 23-Aug-04, to lugnet.technic)

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