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 Technic / 10594
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Re: 8455 Backhoe Loader, is in the house...
Sun, 8 Jun 2003 13:28:59 GMT
974 times
In lugnet.technic, Kim Andersen wrote:

The 8455 Backhoe Loader have been in my living room for a couble off days. It's
great, i will soon post some pictures off the model and the box...

Best regards Kim Andersen

Hi Kim,

How did you manage to get it so soon?

Stéphane S.

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  8455 Backhoe Loader, is in the house...
Hey The 8455 Backhoe Loader have been in my living room for a couble off days. It's great, i will soon post some pictures off the model and the box... Best regards Kim Andersen Denmark (22 years ago, 7-Jun-03, to lugnet.technic)

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