Re: Minifigs...
Sat, 15 May 1999 00:05:38 GMT
1114 times
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Todd Lehman wrote in message ...
> In lugnet.starwars, (Steve Bliss) writes:
> I just hope that whatever they do make, they make well. I was kind of
> disappointed by the Jar Jar minifig (the head being undecorated) but I
> *love* Jar Jar's torso -- it's so perfect for Castle peasants. Same with
Yeah, but what about the tan arms and hands? Do you replace the entire arm
with yellow, or just the hands? Or are you attempting multicultural
peasants? ;)
> > Having said that, I'm still waiting for Han Solo, Princess/Senator Leia
> > Organa, C3P0 and Chewbacca.
Don't forget Stormtroopers! Boba Fett would be nice, too. And I want
Lando, dammit! (And he should be plain old minifig yellow, the smiley face
with mustache. Maybe with a new hair piece.)
> > Isn't eight sets enough?
> Hoo----no. Bite you tongue! :)
No, he's right. I don't want any more Ep 1 sets. I want them to
concentrate fully on 4, 5, and 6. I think we each can come up with fifty
sets from them alone. Think about each one of these as a "theme," with 5-10
sets in each:
Tatooine--Lars' Family Homestead (Sandcrawler, Luke's T-16, the garage, the
kitchen/dining area, a moisture vaporator, etc)
Tatooine--Mos Eisley (Cantina, used speeder lot, Docking Bay 94, Imperial
Death Star (meeting chamber, docking bay, R2 and C3PO's hideout, cell block
AA23, trash compactor, tractor beam controls)
Yavin 4--Rebel Base (briefing room, docking bay, award ceremony, pyramids)
Hoth--Rebel Base (command center, docking bay, taun-taun, wampa cave, probe
droid, AT-ATs)
Bespin (dining hall, carbon freeze chamber, various hallways, Luke's broken
window, wind vane)
Dagobah (sunken X-Wing, Yoda's hut, evil cave)
Tatooine--Jabba's Palace (audience chamber, front door, rancor pit, sarlaac
pit, skiffs)
Death Star II (docking bay, Emperor's chambers, space battle)
Endor (Ewok village, Ewok food trap, Imperial base, AT-STs, battle for
Plus all of the various space ships, such as the Falcon, A-Wing, B-Wing,
various TIEs, the Executor, etc.
There. That's all I want.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Minifigs...
| (...) I just hope that whatever they do make, they make well. I was kind of disappointed by the Jar Jar minifig (the head being undecorated) but I *love* Jar Jar's torso -- it's so perfect for Castle peasants. Same with so many of the other new (...) (26 years ago, 14-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
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