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 Star Wars / 14168
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Re: Lando poll
Sat, 5 Oct 2002 04:46:18 GMT
711 times
In lugnet.starwars, Brendan Powell Smith writes:
I've put up a new poll to see whether the LUGNET community would rather see
a Lando minifig made in brown or yellow:

-The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith

When TLC first annouced the Star Wars license I was hoping they would make the
characters realistic flesh tones.  As they chose to make all the (human)
characters so far, in standard bright yellow (which is NOT a human color at
all,) then why make an exception now.  I hate double standards, either all figs
should be flesh tones or all figs should be the silly bright yellow. (at least
within a given theme.)

-Mike Petrucelli

Message is in Reply To:
  Lando poll
I've put up a new poll to see whether the LUGNET community would rather see a Lando minifig made in brown or yellow: (URL) Rev. Brendan Powell Smith (22 years ago, 4-Oct-02, to lugnet.starwars,

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