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Kalashnikov Project: Parts 2 thru 5
Mon, 9 Jun 2003 13:23:51 GMT
643 times
i don’t know what the heck happened this weekend, and im not sure if i wanna know. but here’s what I did.

broke up into parts 2 thru 5 because, well, i went from 13 pictures in the project to 61 and thoughts maybe that’s too much for one go. I tried to break it up thematically.

Pt:2 Problems on the Bridge

Pt:3 Gun room and beginning Bunks

Pt:4 Bunks and Missiles

Pt:5 The roof, the roof, the roof is on top!

and this completes the 1st Half of the ship. it will be in two halves because my work area doesn’t get much bigger. I dunno if i’ll reach the 100 stud landmark, but prolly get in the range of 80 or 90, at least. the ship is currently 61 exactly.

i’m starting to run really low on dark grey bricks, slopes, and plates.

Enjoy! Jr.Mar.L.A.Hoffman

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Kalashnikov Project: Parts 2 thru 5
In, Leonard Hoffman wrote: snip... (...) Day 23... My companions and I are still stranded on this deserted planet. Our spamcake supply is running dangerously low. If help doesn't arrive soon, we may have to start hunting fleebnorks. (...) (22 years ago, 9-Jun-03, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  The EBKD Kalashnikov Project
Greetings, comrades, I'm announcing a new project of mine. I am going to document every step in the creation of the new Eastern Block Attack Frigate, the 'Kalashnikov', the flagship of the Junior Marshalate and personal ship of Jr.Mar. Leonid (...) (22 years ago, 5-Jun-03, to, FTX)

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