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Re: The EBKD Kalashnikov Project
Fri, 6 Jun 2003 07:31:17 GMT
694 times
"Duane Hess" <LEGOZILLA@HOTMAIL.COM> wrote in message

I find that my stuff goes through too many renditions to document every • step.
There are too many times where a design is scrapped halfway through the • process
for me to subject everyone to all phases of every project.

I hope that all turns out well and look forward to seeing the finished • product
(as well as all stages in between).


That's for sure!  I'm working on a little ship right now that probably won't
go over 175 pieces, but I've scrapped the nose twice, the landing gear a few
times, and the engine and tail section countless times...

But I do think it'll be fascinating to see how another person does things.
For instance, I can't draw to save my life, so only once have I actually
made a drawing before building a ship.

-- Tom

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The EBKD Kalashnikov Project
(...) Wow! Is that a napkin? ;-) (...) I find that my stuff goes through too many renditions to document every step. There are too many times where a design is scrapped halfway through the process for me to subject everyone to all phases of every (...) (22 years ago, 5-Jun-03, to, FTX)

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