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Re: New website, new MOCs
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 00:19:22 GMT
1028 times
In, Kevin Blocksidge writes:

What effects did you use?  I am especially curious about the sandspeeder -- it
almost looks like it's a POV-ray!

What I did is:
1.Take pictures, bright light, full 1 megapixel resolution.  (not VGA)
2.a.  If the picture is dark in general, crank up brightness, but not so
much that the model becomes overexposed.
b.  Take the pencil tool and set color at pure white, then turn as much of
the background white as possible, so there is no tan or grainy areas.  But
leave some clearence with the MOC.
3.  Then select smudge tool, set opacity between 75-90%, and set it to
'lighten,' make shure that white is still the foreground color.  Using this,
smudge out as much of the shadows around the MOC as possible, making shure
not to disrupt the MOC.  Zoom in ALOT for this.
4.  Resize to 640X480 resolution.  This might get rid of any small mistakes
you did.  :)  Or, crop out an area from the high-res picture so that the MOC
takes most of the space and resize that to 640 resolution.  This makes your
camera appear to have a better macro then it really does.  :)
5.  If you mess up and can't undo-
If the border is staight, make a white line outside the border, running
right next to it.  Then move it above of the background layer and continue
working.  This ensures that you don't 'spill' out of the MOC's shape.
Use eyedropper to sample color close to the accident area.  Get smudge, set
to 'darken,' and smudge all that color back.  Use blur and sharpen as needed.

I found that being lazy and allowing a small shadow makes a cool effect,
such as in this pic:

Be warned:  this takes ALOT of time.  Photos with shadows like this:
are perfectally acceptable.  The point is to try to make you background as
uniform as possible.

Hope this helps.  And thanks for the response!  :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New website, new MOCs
(...) What effects did you use? I am especially curious about the sandspeeder -- it almost looks like it's a POV-ray! Oh yeah, and all the new MOCs look great, ditto with the web layout. ~Kevin Blocksidge~ (22 years ago, 20-Mar-03, to

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