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Re: Arcane family home Module update: Week Three
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:53:15 GMT
527 times
"Tony Alexander" <> wrote in message
     This stuff is just COOL!  I love the ongoing comes alive
with a sense of playfulness.  It's neat to see the progression, and the
family's adaptation to a new and unexpected life.  Does your whole family
get together and help decide the direction of the Arcane Family's new life
on Luna, or is this your fun project alone?

The whole family, Duane my 81 year old father-in-law (who remembers when
Lego was invented) myself, my daughter Krystal, and up until recently my

In, Nicole Drumm writes:
The power drain to use the fence is too immense to use for just one

Have I been spelling this wrong?

The Arcanes are trying to NOT use the module's replicator too much as it • eats
up nearly as much power as the fence does.

     Maybe the Arcanes should speak with the inhabitants of the the Alpha
Living Quarters (designed by Lunar Architect Carl Billen) about their
energy-efficient in-house Legonium power supply, or tap into the M-Tron
Corporation Fusion Power Plant (designed by emininent industrial engineer
John Henderson), for which many economical plans are available.  This could
help lessen their energy frustrations, while preserving their precious
obsidian orbs.

Ah yes, but with no "money" comes desperation. The family has had to trade what
little technology (example: hoverchairs that work inside and out of modules)
brought with them for what they got now. Of course they have a couple tech
left they have not traded. :)
Nicole Drumm MS
Brickshelf Account: drumm-family
Geekshelf Account: Drumm-Family
Bricklink Store: drumm_family or Drumm's Small Lots

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Arcane family home Module update: Week Three
(...) 8>) If you had, I didn't notice. I thought it was a species variant. It sounds like your family has lots of fun together! That's neat to hear, and I can't wait to see more. Also, I hope the jambalaya box will add more fun to that as well. (...) (22 years ago, 23-Sep-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Arcane family home Module update: Week Three
This stuff is just COOL! I love the ongoing comes alive with a sense of playfulness. It's neat to see the progression, and the family's adaptation to a new and unexpected life. Does your whole family get together and help decide the (...) (22 years ago, 19-Sep-02, to

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