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Re: More Artwork
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 00:05:59 GMT
556 times
In, John Henry Kruer writes:
Very nice!

Please post the 'recipies' for these excellent dishes!

As other people have stated, how do you do the engine flare?  And how did
you do the galaxy park?

Great work!

  I suspect the engine flare effect was created by making a selection around
the engine on a new layer, filling it with the desired color, using a
gaussian blur, and then lowering the opacity significantly.  Also, one can
use the lens flare effect on a new layer, then select it and change the
color of the flare. has some interesting techniques.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: More Artwork
Very nice! Please post the 'recipies' for these excellent dishes! As other people have stated, how do you do the engine flare? And how did you do the galaxy park? Great work! -JHK (...) (22 years ago, 17-Sep-02, to

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