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 Robotics / Vision Command / 55
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Re: Linux & VC (was: X-10 camera interface)
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 14:44:52 GMT
53 times
In lugnet.robotics, Hakan Tandogan writes:
Juergen Stuber <> writes:
Not if the LEGO Software looks for the LEGO id.

Jürgen "waiting for a free open source equivalent for Linux"

I'm on-and-off experimenting with my Vision Command camera
and Georg Achers drivers; just tonight I downloaded his latest
sources, modified them a little bit (to allow for the different
product ID) and discovered that the VC has a PhotoBit chip...
Have a look over at <URL:>.
So, as I read it, there is no support for this particular chip yet, right? And
won't be for the foreseeable future?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Linux & VC (was: X-10 camera interface)
(...) No, not now... But then again, that kind up support tends to materialize quite quickly if you provide the developer with the necessary hardware. Which I plan to do ASAP ;-) Regards, Hakan (24 years ago, 12-Nov-00, to lugnet.robotics,

Message is in Reply To:
  Linux & VC (was: X-10 camera interface)
(...) You are right, the QuickCam Express and the Lego camera have identical vendor IDs (0x046d), but the Product IDs are different (0x0840 for the qce and 0x0850 for the Lego camera). The software can easily check for the right camera ;-) (...) I'm (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.robotics,

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