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FIRST comp at Agenda 2000 in Arizona?
Tue, 28 Sep 1999 09:06:27 GMT
Ben Williamson <benw@pobox.^stopspam^com>
687 times
Hi folks,

I've just learned about the Agenda 2000 conference next month:

The conference program on that site lists an event on the Monday called
"FIRST Robot Competition", which I understand is a MindStorms challenge.
I've been invited to go and compete.

I can't find anything at that seems related to
this competition.  The event at Agenda doesn't seem to be for kids, but
I'm not certain.  I'm sure I'll get more info about the competition soon,
but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone knew more about it.

So, who else is going?  :)  Thanks,

- Ben.

Ben Williamson

Message is in Reply To:
  I'm writing a Mindstorms book.
Subject pretty much says it all. I've posted some general information on the book at (URL) consider the book to be about the "basics" - how to build and program a Mindstorms robot. There are a lot of examples and over 300 illustrations. But its not (...) (25 years ago, 28-Sep-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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