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 Robotics / 4725
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Re: A robot who knows his position (fwd)
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 07:14:29 GMT
1260 times
In lugnet.robotics, (John A. Tamplin) writes:
I have been thinking about a different approach.  I have not actually built
anything to use it yet, but I believe it should work reasonably well.

The basic idea is similar to the old optical mouse pads -- draw
horizontal and vertical lines on the playing field.  Use different colors
for the horizontal and vertical lines (easily distinguishable by the
light sensor's greyscale values).  You can then compute relative position
changes and from that direction of travel.  Obviously, the resolution you can
achieve is limited to the spacing of the lines and the accuracy of
measuring your bot's motion in between them, but it should be sufficient.
The difficulties come from distinguishing the lighter-colored line from the
fringe of the darker line, and the varying line widths depending on the
angle of travel relative to the line.  For instance, travelling parallel
to one of the axes will result in no line crossings for that axis (or
continuously being on an axis).

You can use wider lines in the center of the playing field to give an
idea of absolute positon, or you can allow your bot to explore the
playing field determining the dimensions by bumper contact with the edge.

Clearly, this is only applicable in limited situations where you can mark
the area the bot will traverse.

I like John's idea. You could combine it with odometry and get a very
affordable and precise positioning system. I'm quite happy with the results of
odometry in the short range, I mean until you accumulate too many small
errors. My robot estimates its position very well (much less then 1cm=0.4")
when the run is short (about 1m=40"). If you give it a way to zero the
accumulated errors using an external reference (like John's grid) you can keep
this resolution constant during time. The grid could have a step of about 10"
or even 20" if you rely on odometry between the lines.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A robot who knows his position (fwd)
(...) I have been thinking about a different approach. I have not actually built anything to use it yet, but I believe it should work reasonably well. The basic idea is similar to the old optical mouse pads -- draw horizontal and vertical lines on (...) (26 years ago, 28-Apr-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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