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Re: NXT-G print to text?
Followup-To:, lugnet.robotics
Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:01:32 GMT
9686 times
In, Edwin Pilobello wrote:

It would really help to be able to read text. Specially when a young student
brings me an NXT-G program for debugging that has switches buried within
switches and loops, etc.

I agree, which is why I suggested using NXT-G's print option - it will allow you
to check "show hidden structures" or somesuch that will show you all the hidden
structures in tabbed view mode.

Perhaps someone with LabView could enlighten or suggest an approach for a
print-to-text solution.

Well, let me put it this way. A text version of NXT-G programs was something a
lot of us wanted, during & after development. Begged for. Argued for. Pleaded &
prayed. We pointed this out to the developers, the guys at NI... who,
presumably, would know how to do it if anybody would.

It's not there. Conclusions may now be drawn :).

Nor has anybody come along and made a reasonable "graphic description language"
that translates a chunk of NXT-G into something like C or pseudocode.

Brian Davis

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: NXT-G print to text?
(...) Obviously, NI is so confident they've reached their design goal: that every 9 year old should be able to program in NXT-G without calling tech support. In my classes, 9 and 10 year olds blow through such a low level of expectation within an (...) (17 years ago, 19-Jul-08, to, lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: NXT-G print to text?
(...) It would really help to be able to read text. Specially when a young student brings me an NXT-G program for debugging that has switches buried within switches and loops, etc. It's really irritating when terminal points are lost while browsing (...) (17 years ago, 18-Jul-08, to, lugnet.robotics)

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