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Re: Where can I find Ultimate Builders Set?
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 07:45:00 GMT
1297 times
Ruth wrote:


I live in Sweden too and I have been trying to find these set and the vision
command set too. Both sets have been discontinued not only in the lego shop,
toy'r'us too.

Looking on the web, I couldn’t find any site that would sell it (out of stock
discontinued) so my suggestion is ebay. There are people selling that set
now there. Before bidding make sure they ship internationally. Unfortunately
bricklink doesn’t.

Good luck,

That depends on which store *ON* Bricklink you visit.  I've bought lots
of stuff on Bricklink that's been shipped to me even though I don't live
in the same country as the seller.

>> Mark

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Where can I find Ultimate Builders Set?
(...) That is true... ...but I have tried to purchase those sets through them without any luck. The bricklink stores that had them wouldnt ship internationally. I have also tried some other stores on the net without any success...That is why I (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Where can I find Ultimate Builders Set?
(...) command set too. Both sets have been discontinued not only in the lego shop, but toy'r'us too. Looking on the web, I couldn’t find any site that would sell it (out of stock or discontinued) so my suggestion is ebay. There are people selling (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to lugnet.robotics)

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