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  Re: 10152 Maersk promo ship comes back as 10155
I just think this: In terms of marketing, a re-release of the Maersk truck sets (URL) 1552>, (URL) and/or (URL) 1831> might be a more profitable option even, because in that case they can cash in on a much broader customer base. May you all make (...) (14 years ago, 3-Jan-11, to, FTX)
  Re: 10152 Maersk promo ship comes back as 10155
(...) As I recall, Jake McKee implied that Maersk Blue wouldn't be available again-- the company as a whole didn't really say anything at all. Then the AFOL community ran with it and made a huge deal over what Jake said. At the time, LEGO decided to (...) (14 years ago, 3-Jan-11, to, FTX)
  Re: 10152 Maersk promo ship comes back as 10155
(...) Anders, how are you planning to let this one sink? An iceberg would be cool. ;) /Tore (14 years ago, 3-Jan-11, to
  Re: 10152 Maersk promo ship comes back as 10155
(...) Ah! I wasn't aware of that--I just figured that the manufacturing process was still more or less the same. (14 years ago, 3-Jan-11, to, FTX)
  Re: 10152 Maersk promo ship comes back as 10155
(...) Haha... good point. Lego trying cash in on the demand. Hypothetical situation... does this mean that if Lego re-released the 10190 Marketstreet set... does that mean they would/could charge in excess of $150 based on market price. (14 years ago, 2-Jan-11, to, FTX)
  Re: 10152 Maersk promo ship comes back as 10155
(...) That's my guess as well on the colors... What they said back then was true but not necessarily contradicted. (also, what if this time it's just medium blue instead of Maersk... the ad copy didn't, to my read, claim a rare color, but I could (...) (14 years ago, 2-Jan-11, to, FTX)  
  Re: 10152 Maersk promo ship comes back as 10155
(...) I suspect the previous limited production run used a batch of pre-colored ABS granules. Now that many of the molding operations have converted to coloration at the machine, it may be easier to make special colors (ie Maersk blue) in limited (...) (14 years ago, 2-Jan-11, to, FTX)
  Re: 10152 Maersk promo ship comes back as 10155
(...) An interesting point, but not quite the same thing IIRC. The Maersk Blue issue wasn't a matter of cost; it was (allegedly) a one-time production of a very limited quantity of this very special color, never to be repeated. Until it seemed (...) (14 years ago, 2-Jan-11, to, FTX)
  Re: 10152 Maersk promo ship comes back as 10155
(...) Didnt we hear similiar noise earlier about a wide parts pallette (for Lego Brand Retail) and trying not to use lots of SKU's that it would be too costly.... we are seeing TLC making unusual parts and seeing the new catalogue with the 3 whole (...) (14 years ago, 2-Jan-11, to, FTX)
  Re: 10152 Maersk promo ship comes back as 10155
(...) I seem to recall that when the 10152 was released, TLG made a big noise about how "Maersk Blue" was a limited production run and would never be reproduced (or even reproducible, perhaps). Is this another example of TLG nobly standing by its (...) (14 years ago, 2-Jan-11, to, FTX)

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