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Re: Which is better-Red or Blue?
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 21:29:56 GMT
1520 times
In lugnet.pirates, Sean Devolites writes:
Wassssssup everybody,
This is pretty much just an opinion question.  Which do you think was the
better line of sets-The Imperial Guards line (red guys) of the earlier
Soldiers line (blue guys). I don't think Armada needs to be mentioned
because of the lack of sets, but if you like them the best you can vote for
them to.  Let me know!
Hasta La Vista, Sean

No Blue!
Oh please!  I can't decide, they are both so good.
Please don't cast me into the Pit of Despair!!

Message is in Reply To:
  Which is better-Red or Blue?
Wassssssup everybody, This is pretty much just an opinion question. Which do you think was the better line of sets-The Imperial Guards line (red guys) of the earlier Soldiers line (blue guys). I don't think Armada needs to be mentioned because of (...) (23 years ago, 10-Sep-02, to lugnet.pirates)

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