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NELUG at Mindfest, A quick summary and more photo's.
lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.robotics,,,,,,,, lugnet.trains
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 12:41:48 GMT
142 times
First let me say that Mindfest was a booming success and we all had alot of
fun.  We learned alot about presenting in public, both good and bad.  We had
substantial interest in our table and everything went very well all things

This is just going to be a relatively short post about the event and I am going
to start posting more details about different aspects of the event latter.  For
these other posts I will post them all to Lugnet.general as well as to any
relevant groups that I feel would be interested.

This turned out to be a Who's Who of LUGNET in a sense.  I know that I am
missing some names and I am sorry for those that I miss.  Please don't hate me
its just that I met so many people I know I will miss some.

The following is a listing of some of the names I am sure some of you will
recognize if you read LUGNET regularly.

Todd Lehman
Larry Pieniazek
John VanZwieten I + II
Bram Lambrecht
Kevin Loch
Eric Brok
Suzanne Rich
Eric Joslin
Shaun Sullivan
Dave Eaton
Henry Chea
Robert Munafo
Chris Phillips
Mario Ferrari
Matthew Miller
Paul Stauffer

Plus many many more that I know I have missed and I am very sorry please feel
free to scold me for forgetting you by replying to this message.

We also got to talk to quite a few LEGO representatives (Yes bulk ordering was
brought up and that will be the subject of another post).

Also our meeting Saturday night was a success we had alot of fun setting up all
our stuff and just sitting around talking.

Well I don't want these posts to get so long that you stop reading them and I
do tend to ramble at times so I will stop hear for now.  I have set up a
preliminary page with just 6 photos on it for now with many many more to come
(My connection is not as good as Matthew's so I have to do much smaller batches
and be more selective about what I upload).  I do have about 80 pictures total
myself with hundreds more for other folks so check back often because I will be
posting pictures for quite a while I think.

Eric Kingsley

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The New England LEGO Users Group

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: NELUG at Mindfest, A quick summary and more photo's.
Eric Kingsley <> wrote in message (...) feel (...) I was there too. Michael Gasperi It was a great time that went by in a flash. The sensor building workshops I held were packed with over 30 (...) (25 years ago, 25-Oct-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.robotics,,,,,,,, lugnet.trains)
  Re: NELUG at Mindfest, A quick summary and more photo's.
(...) Hear Hear. Kudos to the folks at MIT for the overall making it happen, and huge kudos to Suz and NELUG for getting the fan participation way up. Nice buzz, people! (...) One nit, I think that this should be II + III, as I am not sure that Mr. (...) (25 years ago, 25-Oct-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: NELUG at Mindfest, A quick summary and more photo's.
(...) of (...) had (...) things (...) going (...) latter. For (...) any (...) Bring um on!!! (...) hate me (...) will (...) Man, this like stinks SO bad. Of the five LUGNETers that I'd like to meet the most, three were there :( In case you're (...) (25 years ago, 25-Oct-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars)
  Re: NELUG at Mindfest, A quick summary and more photo's.
(...) [amazing list snipped] (...) Not a scold, but three very important people to note: Kekoa Proudfoot Dave Baum Markus Noga (according to Wired News article at (URL)) I wish I had been there, just to see these three on the Extreme Mindstorms (...) (25 years ago, 25-Oct-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.robotics,,,,,,,, lugnet.trains)

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