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Re: toys for tots...
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 13:58:58 GMT
885 times
In, Jeff Van Winden writes:
In, Chris Magno writes:
Well, this is mildly Lego related.

I am Happy and Proud to announce that according to my close friends and
family they will no longer be buying ME lego.

As of December 31 2002 (or there abouts) All lego will be of the Primo
Type and it will be for the Baby.
We will still try to slip you some lego once and a while....


The baby already has his/her first lego set.  That honour went to our
very nice next door neighbours Alex and Jennifer. it was a musical Primo
giraffe.  it says lego on the box BUT I cant find any way to attach a
technic axle.  Maybe I should ask Trevyn.


HERE is a scary thought... Chris buying/playing with Town, Train, space or


Jeff VW
And Again Congradulations Kate and Chris


I think Chris will make sure "junior" will go from primo to technic. ;)
(...or would that be technic, junior)

Interesting thought....if you have a girl, would you get into pink lego?


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: toys for tots...
(...) Congradulations! We will still try to slip you some lego once and a while.... (...) <snip> (...) HERE is a scary thought... Chris buying/playing with Town, Train, space or castle!!! ;) Jeff VW And Again Congradulations Kate and Chris (...) (22 years ago, 25-Jul-02, to

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